Sharif Md. Shahabuddin
Director (In-Charge)
About Media Division
Historial Outline
BOU produces its course materials and runs its tutorial services by both print media and electronic media through Publishing, Printing and Distribution Division and Media Division respectively.
Print Media
The print media (books, readers’ guide books, journals, students’ handbooks etc.) plays a vital role in distance learning. The learners of all academic programs of BOU are provided with a complete set of textbooks written in modular form.
The preparation of modular form of textbooks is a long drawn process. A draft curriculum is prepared by faculty members. It is then placed before the Curriculum Committee and which is finally approved by the Academic Council. The course material production team then does the job of preparing the text and finally hands over the final manuscript to PPD. The last phase of printing of materials is taken care of by the Publishing, Printing and Distribution Division. The study package including modules and other printed materials are dispatched to Regional Resource Centers (RRC) and Local Centers (LC) for distribution among the students.
Electronic Media
Apart from print media, support is also given to learners of BOU through radio and television programs. Scripts are prepared by both in-house and external subject experts. Audio-visual materials are produced jointly by the Schools and the Media Division..
BOU is now using the latest information technology like the Internet, GIS and is soon to start tele and video conferencing for interactions between the learners and the teachers. The Media Center provides all modern facilities for the production and broadcast of multimedia educational materials. Constructed at a cost of about 600 million taka, the Center is equipped with the most modern technological devices like silicon graphics, digital editing suites, electronic preview theaters, micro-wave communication links and full-fledged audio-video studios..
School wise TV Programme Broadcasting Schedule
Time: Morning 7-15 to 8.00
SL | Day | School |
1 | Sunday | Open School |
2 | Monday | School of Social Science, Humanities and Language |
3 | Tuesday | School of Science and Technology |
4 | Wednesday | School of Business |
5 | Tuesday | School of Agriculture and Rural Development |
6 | Friday | School of Education |
School wise Radio Programme Broadcasting Schedule
Time: Evening 7-05 to 7-30 (Dhaka ‘Kha’ Channel)
SL | Day | School | Re-Broadcast Description (Friday) |
1 | Saturday | School of Education | 1st Friday of the Month – SOE |
2 | Sunday | School of Social Science, Humanities and Language | 2nd Friday of the Month- SSHL |
3 | Monday | Open School | 3rd Friday of the Month- OS |
4 | Tuesday | School of Business | 4th Friday of the Month- SOB |
5 | Wednesday | School of Agriculture and Rural Development | 5th Friday of the Month-SARD |
6 | Thursday | School of Science and Technology | 5th Friday of the Month-SST |
7 | Friday | Re-Broadcast |