Md. Mahfuj Ul Alam
Director (In-charge)
About Planning and Development Division
Historial Outline
The planning and Development Division of Bangladesh Open University has been working since it’s establishment in the year 1992 in order to promote the University towards a center of excellence in ODL (Open and Distance Learning) education. To widen access for the learners through expanding infrastructure, this division acquired land of 12 RCs at district levels and also acquired the land of BOU main campus. To widen access for the learners through expanding infrastructure, this division acquired land of 47 SRCs at district levels and upazilla levels. For the stable environment of education and to optimize the utilization of resources for the ODLS (Open and Distance Learning System) this division prepared ICT-based Technical Assistant Project Proposal (TAPP).
Through the implementation of KOICA aided ICT and Web-based Learning System Project, access of learners will be increased and quality of education will be improved through IVCR (Interactive Virtual Class Room Facility) initially at three locations i.e Dhaka and Mymensingh Region including BOU main campus at Gazipur.
To make the university as a Center of Excellence in education through effective Planning, Monitoring, Survey Research and Evaluation of ongoing academic and extension services of open and distance activities throughout the country.
Responsibilities of Planning and Development Division
Preparation of Development Project Proposal (DPP), Preliminary Development Project Proposal (PDPP), Technical Assistant Project Proposal (TAPP) and correspond to University Grants Commission (UGC), External Resource Division (ERP) & Donor Agencies etc.
To take initiative to execute of the approved projects of BOU and to prepare Project Completion Reports (PCR) and Revised Project Completion Reports (RPCR) of BOU.
To take necessary steps for land acquisition with a view to BOU’s own buildings construction at district and Upazila levels.
Monitoring the academic programs of BOU for effective implementation and for enhancing the quality of the academic programs, remedial measures should be suggested to the authority to overcome the limitations.
Conducting research and survey program to identify the field-level constraints of different academic programs and to make appropriate suggestions and recommendations to the University Authority for taking effective measures.