Professor Dr. Abul Hasnat Md. Shamim, Treasurer, BOU
Professor Dr. Abul Hasnat Md. Shamim, Dean School of Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD) of Bangladesh Open University (BOU) appointed as new Treasurer of the University on 7 November 2024. According to the act, 15 (1), 1992, order of President and University Chancellor Mohammed Shahabuddin appointed Prof. Dr. Md. Shamim for the next four years.
Dr. Shamim was born on 15th July 1976 in Chapai Nawabgonj district, Bangladesh. He obtained B.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc. degrees in Soil Science from Dhaka University (DU) securing First Class in both the cases. He received several prestigious awards from DU keeping the same trend in PhD studies (2007-2010) at Okayama University, Japan under Japanese Government Monbukagakusho scholarship.
During his PhD research, he found slaking and drying is the most efficient and cost-effective method for clarifying of saline soil. To have a breakthrough in his current project, he needs to confirm that soil slaking is a salt releasing process and does not degrade the infiltration characteristics of soil by column test which simulates actual soil layer in the field. He also needs to develop a simulation method to know, how much salt will dissolve to outer solution? how much will shift to exchange phase? how much will precipitate after drying the soil?
Currently, he was involved in extraction, purification and activity testing of bioactive compounds from medicinal plants of Bangladesh as well as soil Streptomyces spp. The purpose of searching bioactive compounds from medicinal plants and soil Streptomyces spp. is to develop new agrochemicals against crop pathogens and new antibiotics against multidrug resistance human pathogens.
Dr. Shamim joined Bangladesh Open University in March 2005 as a Lecturer in Soil Science. Now he has been doing job as now Professor since May 2018 at SARD, BOU. He received extensive training on capacity building for Open and Distance Learning materials. He plays a significant role in all activities of SARD providing education in distance and face to face modes. His field of interests include Problem soils and their sustainable uses, Ecosystems of salt affected soils and their management, Analytical Chemistry etc. He is engaged in different National and International project. He has published more than 40 research articles and 09 books in peer-reviewed National and International reputed Journals.
He has been actively participated in many international conferences and symposia and presented his research findings. He is an active member of many professional societies at home and abroad and serving as editor and reviewers of some international journals.